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Application Tr4paNo

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# 1
13 Feb 2016 14:13
Ciao a tutti ragazzi! Mi chiamo Marco, ho 20 anni. Gioco da parecchi anni, circa 7, ad Urban Terror.. si può dire che lo conosco bene. Ho partecipato a diverse clan war, con diversi clan, dai quali volontariamente ho staccato poichè non c'era rispetto tra i "pezzi grossi" e le reclute del clan stesso. Sono molto bravo con l'SR8, arma preferita, e me la cavo con le armi in generale. Cerco un clan con persone serie, alla cui base ci sia sempre il rispetto. Gioco sempre sul vostro server, così ho deciso di domandarvi se posso entrare a far parte della squadra per darvi una mano e divertirci insieme :) Da parte mia assicuro sempre rispetto e la presenza su UrT. Vi ho scelti poichè vi reputo un clan serio e dunque una squadra di cui posso definitivamente far parte. Ho cambiato spesso nome di recente per puro divertimento, ma il mio nome utente preferito è Tr4paNo, che eventualmente sarebbe quello fisso.
Auguro buon game a tutti e grazie dell'attenzione :D

Hello to all you guys! My name is Marco, I am 20 years old. for many years the game, about 7, Urban Terror .. you can say that I know him well. I participated in several clan war, with different clans from which I disconnected voluntarily because there was no relation between the "boss" and the recruits of the same clan. I'm very good with the SR8, favourite weapon, and I get along with weapons in general. Seeking a clan with serious people, to whose base there is always respect. I always play on your server, so I decided to ask you if I can become part of the team to give you a hand and have fun together :) For my part I assure you always respect and the presence of UrT. I chose you because I consider you a serious clan and therefore a team that I can finally join. I often changed name recently for fun, but my favorite user name is Tr4paNo. B)

P.S: Utilizzo TS3, non uso cheat.

Nome: Marco
Età: 20
Nick / Alias: Tr4paNo
Auth ID: asclepio
Gametype preferito: Survivor
Clan in cui sei stato: aCen, PgS, WT, SL4Y
Ruolo in gioco: Cecchino
# 2
13 Feb 2016 14:30 | Last edit: 13 Feb 2016 14:31
Your Full Name: Marco Gentile
Your Age: 20
Your First Language: Italian
Other Language(s) You Speak: English
Your Urban Terror Name: Tr4paNo
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: 7 years
Your Average Score Ratio: // Just Register on your server
Your Favourite Weapon: Sr8
Your Clan History?: aCen, PgS, WT, SL4Y
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: 2 o 3 years
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: Every Day
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: I chose you because I consider you a serious clan and therefore a team that I can finally join.
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: Server TDM Eagle
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: YEAAAAAAAAAAH

You must have a minimum of 3,000 kills in our server(s): Every Day ... more than 3000 ..... 6000 ! :D
You must have a ratio of at least 1:1 kills:deaths in our server(s) /
You must be active in the server(s): Active every day
# 3
13 Feb 2016 15:09
I saw you one time on the server.
I warned you for spawnkill/camp and I looked your echelon profile and unfortunately you have many warns (spawnkill/camp and disrespect/arguing with admins).
And you don't have the requirements of 10 posts and the 3.000 kills to apply.

Sorry but you get -1
# 4
13 Feb 2016 15:38

I saw you one time on the server.
I warned you for spawnkill/camp and I looked your echelon profile and unfortunately you have many warns (spawnkill/camp and disrespect/arguing with admins).
And you don't have the requirements of 10 posts and the 3.000 kills to apply.

Sorry but you get -1

I must agree -1

Did you read the requirements before your app?

You must have at least 10 posts on the forum
You must have a minimum of 3,000 kills in our server(s)
You must have a ratio of at least 1:1 kills:deaths in our server(s)
You must be active in the server(s)
# 5
13 Feb 2016 16:34
doesnt meet req dont vote...
its useless quz maz or ilo orso wil lock it
and votes wont count
btw i got warns for badbehavior + sk to :D
# 6
13 Feb 2016 16:37
With my account plays my brother also, chatting I had talked with an admin
I never misbehaved in this game ..
# 7
13 Feb 2016 16:39
Give me a chance please..I'm telling the truth :( :( :( :( :( :(
# 8
13 Feb 2016 16:42
Come on guys, do not reject me because my brother is an idiot just turned 15 years :O
# 9
13 Feb 2016 16:43
you need 10 post ill check echelon later to see how old those warsn are and remmeber just play more in our servers get the 3k kills you need and behave then youll be fine
13 Feb 2016 18:01 | Last edit: 13 Feb 2016 18:02
Hi there,

1st of all - You don't face the requirements.
2nd of all - as Livius said you have few warnings
3rd of all - Your acc is your acc. Your brother will be not a part of DrunkNoobs, so? U'll share your account to improve stats or collecting warns? Not here.
4th of all - Never saw you on server
5th of all - There is some magic button. It calls "edit". Little advice - do not be afraid to use it. It's very helpful.

I hope u will understand us - keep improving your skill, be nice, play alone, meet the requirements and try again.
I wish you luck.
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