Below you can find the B3 commands available for players on the server. You can use the commands in your own access level as well as the ones below your level.



  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description
    Send the name and @ID of the last player disconnected
  • !help

    [<command|level>] - get info on how to use a command, you can use *<command> for partial matches

  • !mapstats

    [<name>] - list a players stats for the map

  • !register

    register yourself as a basic user

  • !rules

    say the rules

  • !testscore

    <client> - how much skill points you will get if you kill the player


  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    <client> - display the world distance between you and the given client

  • !locate

    <client> - display geolocation info of the specified client

  • !regtest

    display your current user status

  • !regulars

    list all the online regular players

  • !time

    [<timezone/offset>] - display the servers current time

  • !topstats

    list the top 5 map-stats players

  • !topxp

    list the top 5 map-stats most experienced players

  • !xlrstats

    [<name>] - list a players XLR stats


  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    [Player] The server show bigtext with Hello...

  • !pateams

    Force teambalancing (all gametypes!). The player with the least time in a team will be switched.

  • !privatemessage

    [Player] [Message] Send a message to a player

  • !seen

    <name> - when was a player last seen?

Server Moderators

  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    list all the online admins

  • !aliases

    <name> - list a player's aliases

  • !afk

    [Player] Ask if player is AFK, if no response, he's forced spectator

  • !pabigtext

    <message> - Print a Bold message on the center of all screens. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !paforce

    <player> <red/blue/spec/free> <lock> - Force a client to red/blue/spec or release the force (free) adding 'lock' will lock the player where it is forced to, default this is off. using 'all free' will release all locks. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !isp

    <client> - display the isp the specified client is using

  • !kick

    <name> [<reason>] - kick a player

  • !kafk

    [Player] Ask if player is AFK, if no response, he's kicked

  • !pamute

    <player> [<duration>] - Mute a player. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !poke

    <player> - notify a player that he needs to move

  • !say

    say a message to all players

  • !paslap

    <player> [<amount>] - (multi)Slap a player. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !warn

    <name> [<warning>] - warn user

  • !warninfo

    <name> - display how many warning points a user has

  • !warns

    list warnings

Server Admins

  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    display your current user status

  • !pabalance

    Move as few players as needed to create teams balanced by numbers AND skill. Locked players are not moved.

  • !ban

    <name> [<reason>] - ban a player

  • !baninfo

    <name> - display how many bans a user has

  • !change

    [Player1] [Player2/None] Change team between (1 and 2) or (1 and you)

  • !clientinfo

    <name> <field> - get info about a client

  • !find

    <name> - test to find a connected player

  • !lastbans

    list the 5 last bans

  • !leveltest

    [<name>] - display a user's status

  • !list

    list all connected players

  • !spams

    list spam messages

  • !makereg

    <name> - add a player in the 'regular' group

  • !pamaprestart

    Restart the current map. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !notice

    <name> <notice> - add a good/bad behavior note for the player

  • !permban

    <name> [<reason>] - ban a player permanently

  • !proxylist

    Display the list of available proxy checker services

  • !proxyservice

    <service> <on|off> - enable/disable a proxy scanner service

  • !proxystats

    Display statistics about detected proxies

  • !scream

    <message> - yell a message to all player

  • !spam

    [player] <message> - spam a predefined message to all players or a given player

  • !spank

    <name> [<reason>] - spank a player, naughty boy!

  • !status

    report status of B3 bot

  • !trackdown

    [Player] track down player location

  • !unban

    <name> - un-ban a player

  • !warnremove

    <name> - remove a users last warning

  • !xlrhide

    <player> <on/off> - hide/unhide a player from the stats

Head Admins

  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    <name> - lookup a player in the database

  • !mask

    <group> [<name>] - hide level

  • !modos

    See all moderators online

  • !paadvise

    Report team skill balance, and give advice if teams are unfair

  • !pakill

    <player> - kill a player. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !panuke

    <player> [<amount>] - (multi)Nuke a player. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !putgroup

    <client> <group> - add a client to a group

  • !unbanexit

    Unban the last player disconnected

  • !unmask

    [<name>] - un-hide level

  • !warnclear

    <name> - clear all of a users warnings

Clan Leaders

  • Command
    Command Shortcut
    Command Description

    [Player] Send nuke until player die

  • !b3

    say b3's version info

  • !die

    shutdown B3

  • !maps

    list the server's map rotation

  • !nextmap

    list the next map in rotation

  • !pamoon

    Set moon mode <on/off> (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !pashuffleteams

    Shuffle teams. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)

  • !paskuffle

    Skill shuffle. Shuffle players to balanced teams by numbers and skill. Locked players are also moved.

  • !pause

    <duration> - pause the bot from parsing

  • !rebuild

    sync up connected players

  • !reconfig

    re-load all configs

  • !runas

    <name> <command> - run a command as a different user

  • !ungroup

    <client> <group> - remove a client from a group

  • !warntest

    <warning> - test a warning