Community forums
Application to join
- Hatchet
- 27 POSTS
22 Jun 2019 15:05
Your Full Name: Mick
Your Age: 59
Your First Language: C
Other Language(s) You Speak: English
Your Urban Terror Name: Hatchet
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: 10+ years
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.19
Your Favourite Weapon: AK103
Your Clan History?: Been playing the server for a year or two
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: Not sure when I first came across the server over a year, maybe2...
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: I shudder to think ... 10+
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: Love to help with game/server
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: Found the map you host
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: Yip
Additional Comments: My No 1 game tip. Remember to surface and breath
Your Age: 59
Your First Language: C
Other Language(s) You Speak: English
Your Urban Terror Name: Hatchet
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: 10+ years
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.19
Your Favourite Weapon: AK103
Your Clan History?: Been playing the server for a year or two
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: Not sure when I first came across the server over a year, maybe2...
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: I shudder to think ... 10+
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: Love to help with game/server
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: Found the map you host
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: Yip
Additional Comments: My No 1 game tip. Remember to surface and breath

- Mercer
- Clan Recruitment
- 361 POSTS
27 Jun 2019 20:26
Nice player, been around for a long time and always nice to play with.
So, you get a +1 from me.
So, you get a +1 from me.
- asian_assassin
- 38 POSTS
- Livius
- 172 POSTS
27 Jun 2019 20:36
Big pain in the ass if he is on the server.
Always have an eye when I cross the bridge to the castle. 
But a +1 from me

But a +1 from me
- Core
- Head of Recruitment
- 512 POSTS
- Gramps
- 297 POSTS