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- Sk.SteelSeries
- 12 POSTS
17 Jun 2019 15:48
Your Full Name: Laroche Antoine
Your Age: 26 years old
Your First Language: French
Other Language(s) You Speak:English
Your Urban Terror Name:Sk.Steelseries
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: Since 2008
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.1
Your Favourite Weapon:LR300
Your Clan History?: I was in O2`(Oxygène) clan playing UZ competition
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: Since 10 years ( eagle 24/7 )
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?:Approx. 20h or more
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?:help to manage the server, play some competitions, and why not build maps for the clan (map in progress),I can bring a lot of positivity and activity too
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: playing on the server since 10 years
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?:Yes
Cya !
Your Age: 26 years old
Your First Language: French
Other Language(s) You Speak:English
Your Urban Terror Name:Sk.Steelseries
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: Since 2008
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.1
Your Favourite Weapon:LR300
Your Clan History?: I was in O2`(Oxygène) clan playing UZ competition
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: Since 10 years ( eagle 24/7 )
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?:Approx. 20h or more
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?:help to manage the server, play some competitions, and why not build maps for the clan (map in progress),I can bring a lot of positivity and activity too
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: playing on the server since 10 years
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?:Yes
Cya !

- feskarn
17 Jun 2019 16:21
Well, I'm not a member or anything like that, just a regular on the DN servers. I'd just like to say that I've known Sk.Steelseries for quite some time now and it really took you a long time to apply for DN but I'm happy you finally decided to go for it.
Steel always tries to be helpful and he always brings positive vibes whenever he joins the server or if you have a private conversation with him. If you guys decide to give him a chance I'm certain that he will be a great add for DN.
(+1, if my vote counts, hehe)
Steel always tries to be helpful and he always brings positive vibes whenever he joins the server or if you have a private conversation with him. If you guys decide to give him a chance I'm certain that he will be a great add for DN.
(+1, if my vote counts, hehe)
- Gramps
- 297 POSTS
17 Jun 2019 16:23 | Last edit: 17 Jun 2019 16:23
You have had some warnings but I have not seen any continuation of breaking rules. If accepted as a clan member you are expected to obey rules (period). I have found you a cordial player with good skills. You have even tried to calm misbehaving players.
- c1b
- 26 POSTS
17 Jun 2019 17:52
As Gramps noted there were some early warnings but in-game etiquette and behavior has been good since then (other than a number of connection interrupts - perhaps the telecom workers went on strike). Good player, has been active in Discord, etc.
As Gramps noted there were some early warnings but in-game etiquette and behavior has been good since then (other than a number of connection interrupts - perhaps the telecom workers went on strike). Good player, has been active in Discord, etc.
- Shot
- 58 POSTS
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
T.S. Eliot
21 Jun 2019 21:54 | Last edit: 21 Jun 2019 21:55
Always positive in game. Only negative is that he always jumps away 
Active on Discord
The warnings must be his young age

Active on Discord
The warnings must be his young age
- face
- 36 POSTS
22 Jun 2019 11:09
Hi steel
, that's a +1 from me. Great teammate, good enemy, l33t jumping. Would love to see the map progress!

- Mercer
- Clan Recruitment
- 361 POSTS
27 Jun 2019 20:28
Nice player to play with, even if you jump around a little too much
I can hit you better if you stay still.
You get a +1 from me.

You get a +1 from me.
- asian_assassin
- 38 POSTS