Community forums
- Dawncrow
- 34 POSTS
10 Jun 2019 17:12
Your Full Name: dawncrow
Your Age: 32
Your First Language: German
Other Language(s) You Speak: English, Spanish (a bit), C
Your Urban Terror Name:
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: At least 10 years I'd say
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.12
Your Favourite Weapon: M4
Your Clan History?: nothing serious
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: nearly as long as the Eagle 24/7 server exists I think
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: 10-30 hours, omg
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: My specific gameplay and skills as well as fairplay
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: I have a ping of 17ms to the server
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: somewhat, depends on how time consuming it is
Additional Comments: I'll be on a 4 weeks vacation this year, will that already drop my clan membership in case I get approved?
Your Age: 32
Your First Language: German
Other Language(s) You Speak: English, Spanish (a bit), C
Your Urban Terror Name:
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: At least 10 years I'd say
Your Average Score Ratio: 1.12
Your Favourite Weapon: M4
Your Clan History?: nothing serious
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: nearly as long as the Eagle 24/7 server exists I think
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: 10-30 hours, omg

What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: My specific gameplay and skills as well as fairplay
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: I have a ping of 17ms to the server

Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: somewhat, depends on how time consuming it is
Additional Comments: I'll be on a 4 weeks vacation this year, will that already drop my clan membership in case I get approved?
- Mercer
- Clan Recruitment
- 361 POSTS
10 Jun 2019 17:26
Took you long enough! 
Easy +1 , long time |DN|Eagle player, always nice to play with.
As for the question: "I'll be on a 4 weeks vacation this year, will that already drop my clan membership in case I get approved?"
- Depending on the timing, it just might mean you get more recruit time than usual, and only get full membership after coming back. No big deal I think.

Easy +1 , long time |DN|Eagle player, always nice to play with.
As for the question: "I'll be on a 4 weeks vacation this year, will that already drop my clan membership in case I get approved?"
- Depending on the timing, it just might mean you get more recruit time than usual, and only get full membership after coming back. No big deal I think.
- phixie
- 37 POSTS
- c1b
- 26 POSTS
10 Jun 2019 20:56
My first thought was "What? Aren't they already a member? They're always here...."
So let's make it official!
My first thought was "What? Aren't they already a member? They're always here...."
So let's make it official!
- feskarn
10 Jun 2019 22:30
Hello, Im a regular but I'd just like to say that dawncrow would be a great add for the DN family! Always nice and a respectful guy, never seen anything questionable and I've played with this guy alot.
I hope you'll get approved buddy! Cheers guys.
(+1...If it counts hehe)
I hope you'll get approved buddy! Cheers guys.
(+1...If it counts hehe)
- Shot
- 58 POSTS
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
T.S. Eliot