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[APPROVED] c1b Application
- c1b
- 26 POSTS
28 Jan 2019 15:35 | Last edit: 17 Feb 2019 21:13
Your Full Name: Chris Bell
Your Age: 49
Your First Language: English
Other Language(s) You Speak: Nothing fluent enough to mention here.
Your Urban Terror Name: c1b
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: Currently a couple of years but I played previously (I think a Windows XP machine back in the day (I hung on to XP forever as the last plausible Windows release), later a Slackware machine - dates are fuzzy)
Your Average Score Ratio: According to XLRstats about 0.37 which is less than ideal, admittedly
Your Favourite Weapon: I thought it was PSG-1 but according to the statmachine it is "44" with 3674 kills
Your Clan History?: None
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: When I used to play UrT back before the dawn of time I played frequently on an Eagle 24/7 server which I assume was DN ... although I think OD also used to run one. Anyway when I finally re-installed UrT a couple years back I looked for an all Eagle all the time server and glommed onto this one.
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: Looking at the stats it looks like average 11 hours per week for the past 30 days - didn't feel like that much. I thought "Oh I've hardly been on at all!"
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: Hard to say? I mean I'm already a mod without joining (and would continue to do so without being a member) so it isn't like I can say "Let me in and I'll be a mod".
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: Found the server when looking to play, liked the people and atmosphere, decided to stay.
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: It is your clan's best interest that I not be allowed to muck up your rankings.
Additional Comments:
Your Age: 49
Your First Language: English
Other Language(s) You Speak: Nothing fluent enough to mention here.
Your Urban Terror Name: c1b
How Long Have You Been Playing Urban Terror?: Currently a couple of years but I played previously (I think a Windows XP machine back in the day (I hung on to XP forever as the last plausible Windows release), later a Slackware machine - dates are fuzzy)
Your Average Score Ratio: According to XLRstats about 0.37 which is less than ideal, admittedly
Your Favourite Weapon: I thought it was PSG-1 but according to the statmachine it is "44" with 3674 kills
Your Clan History?: None
How Long Have You Known About |DN|?: When I used to play UrT back before the dawn of time I played frequently on an Eagle 24/7 server which I assume was DN ... although I think OD also used to run one. Anyway when I finally re-installed UrT a couple years back I looked for an all Eagle all the time server and glommed onto this one.
How Long Do You Spend Per Week On The |DN| Server?: Looking at the stats it looks like average 11 hours per week for the past 30 days - didn't feel like that much. I thought "Oh I've hardly been on at all!"
What Do You Think You Can Bring To The |DN| Clan?: Hard to say? I mean I'm already a mod without joining (and would continue to do so without being a member) so it isn't like I can say "Let me in and I'll be a mod".
How Did You Hear About |DN|?: Found the server when looking to play, liked the people and atmosphere, decided to stay.
Are You Interested In Playing For |DN| in Scrims/Clan Wars?: It is your clan's best interest that I not be allowed to muck up your rankings.
Additional Comments:
- Mazfer
- Web Manager
- 562 POSTS
“Just because you aren't paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”
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- Gramps
- 297 POSTS
17 Feb 2019 13:47
Sorry, I did not see your Application earlier. Thanks for the wake-up call Jonny.