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Friendly Fire enable/disable

# 1
29 Mar 2015 00:50 | Last edit: 29 Mar 2015 00:51
I want to hear your opinion on whether FriendlyFire should be allowed or not.
My personal opinion is that it should be enabled because the gamemode is TeamDeathmatch and every kill should count (TeamKills included). Furthermore FF disabled is affecting the balance of the game since you can just shoot anything without knowing who you are trying to kill because you can't kill your teammates.
I'm also aware of the fact that if FF is turned on Teamkilling would become a problem very fast resulting in a lot of TempBans. A possible solution could be a B3 plugin that tells players with Tacs how risky playing with Tacs could be and maybe rising the "TK value before TempBanning". More warnings if someone is TKing would also be beneficial.
Hopefully I covered all main aspects.

Have fun commenting

Polls are disabled for some reason...
# 2
29 Mar 2015 01:09 | Last edit: 29 Mar 2015 01:12
My opinion:
Game with TK is more realistic, and as Nerd said - without TK you shoot or throw nades wherever, cause so so nothing bad happens.
TACs + FF are not problem, idiots are.

If you wear tacs you still can see the difference between teams.
-you have the teammate info above teammate (or wherever you set it, you can set it even above crosshair...), so thats one way...
-your crosshair color is always changing when you aim on a teammate (of course if you didnt set both normal and teammate aim to the same color)

Im aware of it that there are still idiots, who would TK when wearing tacs, even if by aiming at a teammate the game froze, and an animation would be displayed with sound "YOURE AIMING AT YOUR OWN TEAMMATE, DO NOT SHOOT HIM".
Also there are idiots who cant tell the difference even without tacs.
Also there are idiots who throw HEs wherever... even if FF is on.
Also there are idiots who TK on purpouse... ye i know b3 tempbans them after few ones, but lets be honest: its fkin annoying when you just have to take the teamhits, and you can only wait till the guy reaches teamdemage limit to get tempbanned.

So if there was a vote, i'd vote "0" (not +1 or -1) because i see few adventages and a few disadventages of turning FF on, and the way it is now (FF off) also works for me :-)
# 3
29 Mar 2015 07:10 | Last edit: 29 Mar 2015 07:11
I'm happy the way it is now but sometimes I'd sure like to boot someone in the face who's blocking doorways (i.e. the half opened wooden door in the blue spawn).
# 4
29 Mar 2015 08:18
+1 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
# 5
29 Mar 2015 09:00
If If we allow the friendly fire the server will become unplayable,
i recall you it's 16vs16.
All players will shoot you, many team kills..
# 6
29 Mar 2015 09:13 | Last edit: 29 Mar 2015 13:09
Sometimes it feels like friendly fire is the only solution to teaching other players to not stand in front of you when you try to cover an area... or so they don't run through the shotsfire, but behind you, when you shoot at an opponent...

Polls are disabled as I'm looking into having the poll only shown in the OP and not on top of the topic.
# 7
29 Mar 2015 12:40
Are you really bent on losing players. Leave the game alone.
# 8
29 Mar 2015 15:09

Are you really bent on losing players. Leave the game alone.

Amen Grandpa, amen !
# 9
29 Mar 2015 15:16
I think its fine when FF is disabled.
There are less positive aspects than negative aspects to enable it.
29 Mar 2015 20:53
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